
Psalm 23:1

EniThingIWant, the Lord will provide.

Consistency With God

ETIW Weekly Newsletter: July 24 2023

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Consistency Is Key, Right?...

What Does Consistency With God Mean?

I decided to restart This newsletter to create a sense of consistency and accountability for myself & ETIW.

I have a habit of spreading myself too thin.

  • There are so many things I want to do.
  • I have a vision of what I feel like ETIW could be and sometimes I fear I try to do it all at the same time.
  • I end up pulling myself into a million different directions

instead of leaning into one important thing.

This ends up confusing and frustrating me. So I decided I needed to become stable and clear on what I was doing and why.

As I meditated on this dilemma, the same bible verse kept popping into my mind:

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you”

-Mathew 6:33 NKJV

This verse hit me at my core because it was not how I was raised to live my life.

Yes, I went to church and was taught to believe in God. Still, nobody ever spoke about what it truly means to “seek God first.” It always felt like the life formula was: “Worldly Endeavor” as the Main Course with a Side-dish of “Praise the Lord!”

However, I realized, if this verse was in my heart, I had to allow God to show me what He means. And that was when I ended up going AWOL. I felt like I could not speak on the topics I once felt so passionate about. I needed to understand who God is on a deeper level if I knew I wanted a peaceful and abundant life.

The New Chapter Of EniThingIWant?

Truthfully, ETIW is still being conceptualized. Feel free to follow me on the journey through Instagram, the website, this newsletter, or Youtube. Those are going to be my main spaces of existence.

However, there is one thing I am realizing is unavoidable at this point:

ETIW is a wellness and faith-based production company that aims to explore the Love of God and what it means to live a life with Him as the foundation.

I felt some anxiety about my business moving in this direction. I wanted to just live my life with God and leave my art and creativity out of it.

But it began to feel like I was splitting myself in two. And as God says; a double-minded person is unstable in all their ways. (James 1:8) 

My Own Consistency With God

The way I’ve been living with God is different from the way I once thought it would look, mean, and feel. Ultimately I had to accept that if I am feeling so strongly led to share my journey with God with whoever wants to tune in…

then who am I to hang up on God when He calls?

All in all, The only thing I can do is continue to keep the ball rolling and trust God as my story continues to unfold.

I'd like to encourage you to do the same!