Soul Family Features
What does 'creation' mean to you? is the last thing that made you cry? do you love about yourself?
Soul Family is dedicated to highlighting the divinity within each of us. EniThingIWant aims to highlight the way some of the creators we have had the honor to meet, bring their creative energy into physical reality! These interviews include co-creations with our founder Eniola.
Souls who: 1) we have come to know in many unique ways who are stepping into their unique truth 2) are ready to watch themselves and others be uplifted. 3) ready to step into the understanding that they are divine and everyone else is too 4) are ready to be open about themselves, their life, creative process etc.
ETIW is a brand meant for people who are tired of living in a world that operates on the illusion of fear and separation. The best way to make a change is to be the change. No more shaming, no more fear of speaking the truth about our stories, no more seeing one another as “others”
By talking openly and co-creating with understanding, patience, and love. In these interviews they answer questions such as: What was the last thing that made you cry? What is an insecurity that kept you from creating? All the people highlighted below have created a project with ETIW in one way or another. The projects they have been a part of will be linked in their unique article.